Monday, September 29, 2008

New Painting!

Hey Folks,

I just started a self portrait.

Day 1

I'm about four hours into it including the drawing (but not the canvas prep...yuck).
Here is the Palette I'll be using.

My Palette

It's organized and based on a palette that can be found in Parker's "The Painter in Oil". If you don't have a copy of that book, you probably should get one. From left to right the colors are:

Terra Vert
Ivory Black
Cobalt Blue
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Red Light
Crementz White
Naples Yellow (which I'm going to run out of soon)
Cadmium Lemon
Cadmium Yellow Deep
Yellow Ochre
The two little satellite colors are:
Cadmium Orange and Transparent White (which is to quote Randall Cabe, "Completely useless.")

I'll be using Winsor Newton Oil Medium and Gamblin Galkyd as my mediums. A word to the wise, don't use Liquin for anything. I tried using it in the background on Tommy's portrait and had to use A LOT of varnish to make the paint look even slightly deep and shiny.

Here's hoping this one goes smooth and steady.

High on Medium and Turp,


colleen said...

i like to call it my very own "natural high".

i need to paint.

Tiffany England said...

you know what else works good: laquer thinner.

now that's the stuff.

Tiffany England said...

....but don't put clove oil on your skin, then you'll look like you have Jaundice.