Saturday, March 7, 2009

Well begun is nearly done.

A question friends,

Why do some people not want to work when they're at work? Why do some people assume that their coworkers and their bosses are supposed to be their friends? Why can't we all just be professional at work? Why am I asking you these questions?

Where am I?


Unknown said...

when one works a full time job for a long time, he or she begins to realize that a great majority of their time is being spent with those that he or she works fact, you start to realize that you are more time with these "coworkers", with whom you might not have anything in common with other than the carpet you're walking on, than your own real friends and family. It's when people come to this realization that they begin to try to become friends with those coworkers with whom thy might have a common bond. The longing for friendship with those that you spend most of your time with is only natural especially since you're really losing time with your real friends to basically be with these people. It's a very sad reality. Modern man needs money and companionship, therefore he must get a job which unfortunately means less time with true companions. As a result, man tries to become companions with people at work.

Worsel said...

I could probably write books on this. Everyone wants to get paid for doing nothing and when you ask them to do their job or actually act like they're on it, they give you shit or nasty looks all the time. Sorry, I didn't mean to ask you to actually do something instead of surf the web. My bad.